The Kollmans

Life and Times of Taken a sum Doodum

Josiah Allen Cromwell Kollman May 3, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — kollmans @ 7:14 pm

Announcing Josiah Allen Cromwell Kollman!

Went into labor on Thursday, April 21st, at 9:30 AM. I was in the kitchen, making toast, and my water broke. We weren’t in too big of a hurry because I wan’t having any contractions. I had an appointment at 2 pm to make sure it was really time, and once we found out it was, we headed to the hospital to check in. Labor progressed throughout the night, and lasted ALL of the next day. Josiah came into the world at 5:55 pm. He is beautiful. Absolutely everything we ever hoped for.

Check out our Picasa Web albums to see pictures of him thus far. And stay tuned here to keep updated!!!